Volunteer Tracks

Educate 2 Orange

This track facilitates Education-Driven Action to End Violence Against Women and Girls.

Talk 2 Orange

This track facilitates Media-based advocacy & awareness to eliminate gender-based violence.

Innovate 2 Orange

This track facilitates Innovative Solutions (Campaigns, Products and Programs) to Combat Violence Against Women and Girls across communities.

WASH 2 Orange

This track facilitates improved access to safe water and sanitation; the promotion of knowledge around hygiene, sanitation; and the support of Women’s leadership in WASH and GBV prevention.

Reach 2 Orange

This track facilitates Community-based Outreach, Awareness & Sensitization to Tackle Gender based Violence.

Care 2 Orange

This track facilitates the engagement of the HealthCare Sector for Effective Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response.

Hands 2 Orange

This track facilitates Social Action Jobs to Mobilize Large-Scale Efforts for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls.

Lead 2 Orange

This track facilitates action to end violence against women in leadership through the improvement of the collective learning of leaders and establishment of Accountability mechanisms to end violence against women in public leadership.

Support 2 Orange

This track facilitates knowledge acquisition and training for protection of survivor's rights and dignity and the promotion of emotional & physical safety.

Include 2 Orange

This track facilitates Disability Inclusion in Gender-Based Violence Response Plans.

Empower 2 Orange

This track facilitates action to bridge the Orange Action and Impact Gap to deepen the reach of relevant intervention systems and boost National Response to issues of GBV.

Justice 2 Orange

This track facilitates the improvement of laws that strengthen women's rights, capacity building for relevant stakeholders and improved access to justice.

Representation 2 Orange

This track facilitates action to address social, cultural and political barriers and protection risks that limit women’s full participation in achieving and sustaining peace.

Report 2 Orange

This track facilitates advocacy and capacity building for responsible media reporting.

Vote 2 Orange

This track facilitates the promotion of citizen-led action to eliminate GBV in society and the support of community-based GBV Rights and policy education.

Help 2 Orange

This track facilitates opportunities to bridge the access gap to education, livelihood opportunities, shelter, food, water, fuel, and income generation to reduce the exposure to GBV.